My Social Media Pages

facebook instagram twitter youtube guitar lessons colchester essex

I have recently started my own Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages, with a view to uploading more YouTube videos in the very near future. Facebook and Instagram will primarily feature demonstrations of my guitar playing, with a view to inspiring others with some of the techniques and concepts on display. I will also be uploading photos of myself and my guitars to both pages, with Twitter seeing more of a…

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5 More Great Guitar Songs For Beginners

snow patrol guitar lessons guitar tuition beginners colchester essex

I had such a lot of positive feedback on my post “Top 10 Guitar Songs For Beginners” that I’ve decided to release a sequel! In case you missed my previous article on Colchester Guitar Teacher, I ran down a list of 10 great songs that, in my experience, have been ideal for complete beginners on the guitar to learn in their first few lessons. Don’t get me wrong, learning scales,…

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